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@ianb Strong endorsement of an amazing app.

@tantramar Just a bit! Great app. Hopefully won’t get folded into something else.

@ianb Applemator. 🤣

As it’s the team, maybe it goes into maintenance mode — or maybe it sits alongside Final Cut Pro and Logic — and Photos gets some great new people working on it. They have been strong on AI editing tools for years.

@ianb Here's hoping it doesn't get Aperture 3'd. I still mourn the loss of that.

"Photos" doesn't quite hit the mark.

@franksting @ianb depending on how Apple treat it, it could be amazing, or more likely a slow painful death as teams and tech get integrated into other things.

I rarely edit images, but Pixelmator Pro has been in my toolkit for years.

@ianb I'm betting on the next major MacOs release having a Paint.app

@ianb great software, will be glad to see this get a bigger dev team

@ianb I look forward to what the Pixelmator leadership & team will do the nanosecond their shares vest and they can cash out & quit, as usually happens when Apple buys a company.

@ianb 'journey' email incoming :( .