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Ian Betteridge

Oh oh is the answer “by continuing to publish the kind of transphobia which provides support to Trump’s culture wars agenda”?

@ianb thank you for answering my repeat question about "can I start giving money to the guardian or are they still transphobic".

@ianb No, of course, it’s “give us more money” 🙄


Is it wise to give my money & attention to Pearl Clutching Swines?

I wish there was a way to reverse a Nagging pop up for the Guardian Editorial* that reminded them to layoff the anti trans shithousery.

Efutorial was a typo, but apposite.

@ianb Not to mention they're also anti-neurodiverse. I stopped reading Guardian the moment they published an article from a pro-Jordan-Peterson member of the "autistic dark web."

@ianb I started to laugh at this until I realised that it was a real headline and they actually believe this.

@SamanthaJaneSmith The lack of self-awareness is what I find so extraordinary

@ianb I know! They are delusional...