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Ian Betteridge

When you believe - as Trump, Musk and the billionaire class do - that ordinary people are irrelevant to the great future where they live to 700 and go to mars, why should they care if we suffer, have miserable lives, and die young? Why vaccinate people they despise?

@ianb As someone else called it, "secular Calvinism," which I think is a fairly good description. They consider themselves to be the Elite, and the poor are all subhuman, so why help them.


@ianb I agree, but think it can be generalised further. Many believe there's a hierarchy of humans, with race, gender, nationality and wealth all having some influence on your value. It explains why billionaires don't care about us. It also explains why millions support caging children and deporting millions. It doesn't matter if they're not real people.