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don't make my mistake. if you have a fast desktop computer and a laptop, and you're on the laptop, don't run ffmpeg there. connect to the fast desktop computer and run ffmpeg there

I have spent something like 9.5 hours running ffmpeg to fuck up ONE SINGLE VIDEO over the last 24 hours

I really need to enable SSH for my windows machine. I'm sure it's gotten less Horribly Stupid since I was last professionally doing SSH-on-windows

rk: not a typewriter


For the record, the SSH server on Windows sends a surprising amount of telemetry back to Microsoft. Just so you know.

@rk @foone well, microsoft has to understand and know WHY you'd want to use ssh.

@rk darn. I'll have to stick to telnet then

There is openSSH on windows these days. i am not aware that microsoft patches it. but happy to be corrected.

I am not arguing that sending any telemetry without opt-in is acceptable. And windows is notoriously doing it in any way that can. @foone