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Stuck my head into IMDB for the first time in a while and maybe I'm just paranoid but I think there's a pervasive LLM stench in the reviews.

@timbray It's been years since IMDB had any information I wanted that wasn't easier to get from Wikipedia. I use the uBlacklist extension to block IMDB from my search results. iorate.github.io/ublacklist/do

iorate.github.ioIntroduction | uBlacklistuBlacklist is a Google Search filter for Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
rk: could be an enum

@jwz @timbray

Many, many years ago you could download the Internet Movie Database to your local from Aminet. They would post regular diffs to keep you up to date.

(IIRC this was culled from rec.movies or whatever, but it’s been a while.)

I never had a big enough HDD to make it feasible (nor a fast enough connection), but so long as you don’t need any movie newer than ~2003, you can still download everything: aminet.net/misc/imdb

www.aminet.netAminet - Search